- Full title: The Divine Light in the Bible. Twenty-one talks commenting on Bible passages, given from 1997 to 2000
- Author: Pier Franco Marcenaro
- Editor: The Path Edition
- Year of publication: First English Edition, 2007
- Series: Books
- Topic: Spirituality
- Pages: 326
- ISBN: 978-0-9709270-3-3
- Content: The Path of Celestial Light according to the Bible.
The major Masters of the spirit that have appeared from time to time in the different religious traditions have always affirmed that God, the creator and sustainer of everything that exists, manifests to the human spirit in the primary form of Light. All the main Scriptures contain references to this divine manifestation that constitues a direct revelation of God to his Prophets and Masters and to their closest disciples. The Divine Light in the Bible comprises twenty-one talks held by the Author as comments on passages of the Bible in which God manifests to his chosen ones as Light. The book describes man's spiritual Path guided by the Divine Light, which begins with the Old Testament and ends with Revelation, the last book in the Bible, where the birth of a new man and a new happy world is described. In it, God, the human spirit and the love that unites the entire creation are the columns of a perfect blessed kingdom. The Masters of the spirit have always taught man how to create this perfect kingdom of divine harmony within and around himself, guided by the Light that they dispense generously. Frequent quotes from the other Scriptures give the book a universal character and several anecdotes make the reading pleasant.
- Price: $ 10.00 + shipping charges
